
Doing His Thing

Gabe is a Sports Guy.

Which is a little baffling to Andrew and I since, well, we barely know a tennis ball from a football.

Ever since he could grip a ball, the child has been throwing things.  If you come visit us, within 36 seconds, Gabe will ask you to play some sort of catch/throw/run game.  His hand eye coordination is pretty impressive and he can throw the ball hard and fast with 96.3% accuracy.

It's so fun to watch him out on the field doing his thing.

And wouldn't ya know, I'm pretty quickly becoming a Sports Mom.

the tongue.  i can't deal.


Anonymous said...

Your kids are so adorable! You can tell they are the center of your world. By the way, what kind of a camera do you use…your pictures are great!

Danielle said...

He looks so cute! My favorite part of soccer was how cute my little men looked in the uniforms. I am glad that we are not a traditional sports family though! I don't like not hiking for the whole sports season!