
Valentine's Co-op

I know, I know.

We are all over Valentine's Day and have moved on to, ah, President's Day?

And I'd totally leave the hearts and glitter in last week, except that we had a really fun co-op day at Kelsey's last week and my girl loves her some pink and red and fluffy love so I'm sharing today anyways.

On Valentine's Day, we went over to Kelsey's house to join up with her brood of boys and a couple other fun homeschool friends.  It was loud and slightly crazy, but super fun.  Having 10 kids in a room together to learn does make me wonder how a real classroom operates.  There has to be some serious focus and a whole boatload of patience to make that work!

We painted some art, made thumbprint trees (sort of), and played a couple of math games with conversation hearts.  I had a writing worksheet too, but the kids were too hopped up on candy chalk to make that one happen.

Georgia Homeschooler

Homeschool Coop In Georgia

Game Printables found here and here.