
Binging and Purging

I know we are barely through February, but if I listen to my uncontrollable urge to clean out every closet and paint every room and dig my shovel into the ground until the smell of fresh earth takes over, I'd say Spring is around the corner.

I don't want to jinx it, but Georgia's had a Winter that this Northern Girl has a hard time calling Winter.

There's been downpours of rain and, sure, I wore my coat a couple of times, but that was more for looks then necessity.  My mums are coming back to life and just last week we wore short sleeves while parading through the woods.  I don't know what they are called but we've had vases of these yellow flowers around the house for weeks.

And it's in these T-Shirt and Jeans kind of days that I feel myself coming alive.  Ready for new adventures.  Happiness and excitement fill me up for no other reason then I'm happy and excited.

Life is good.

And so is cleaning out closets and drawers and all Josie's secret stashes of paper.  How I am raising a mini paper hoarder is beyond me.

I've thrown out bags of random things that haven't served us any purpose this past year.  Which is a miraculous thing since I feel like I constantly throw away random.  But more finds it's way in and it gives me a simple bit of pleasure to touch, toss, and close the drawer.


Room for this next season's treasures to make their way in.

Starting with a fun and totally relaxing weekend at my Dad's house where we celebrated my kids birthdays for the 721st time.  Sometimes it pays to have Grandparents on all ends of the country.

Happy Wednesday everyone.


Nicole said...

Those are daylilies!! :)

amym said...

daffodils are the flowers

kimmer said...

Spring is in the air! I can't wait to see you all!!!