
stART - Lunchtime For Purple Snake

This week we used Lunchtime For Purple Snack by Harriet Ziefert.

It was a random find on our last Library Day and pretty much begs to be a stART Project!

It is about a little girl who goes to her Grandpa's Art Studio (how fitting!) and they work together to paint a picture.

It covers mixing colors which is always one of Josie's favorite things to do.

She wanted to just do hand prints but I talked her into trying to make the picture into something first.

Don't worry, messy paint covered hands followed promptly after our snake picture!


kimmer said...

How fitting that it's all about a PURPLE snake!!! What could be better than that when your favorite color is, in fact, PURPLE!!! Looks like she really likes to paint and she's learning so much! What a good teacher you are!!!

Brimful Curiosities said...

That's a really neat dish to mix paints in. I've never heard of the book. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.