
The Next Chapter - October

It's my favorite time of the month! 

Book Club Time!

Amy was our hostest with the mostest.  Even if she did wear white shorts after Labor Day.

We read "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson.  The book is based in Sweeden so she went to town and made Sweedish Meatballs and Stroganoff. 

Then she topped it off with a Sweedish Apple Pie.

Which does not have cheese in it like my husband told me it did.

The Stieg Larsson books have been popping up all over the place.  I wasn't dying to read them since mysteries aren't really my thing, but after I got through the first 150 pages I really started to like it.

I'm almost done with the second book in the series and I'm hooked.  That dang Salander just keeps me guessing!

I'm not even sure how to do a review of this book.  It's a mystery with crazy twists and weird people, but it's really good.  There were a couple graphic scenes that weren't my favorite and I have a hard time reading about seemingly normal people ending up being crazy pychos, but the storyline is good and the ending will probably have you reaching for the second book pretty quick.

Alicia host next and I'm super excited because she picked a book I'd never heard of, "The Double Bind" by Chris Bohjalian.