
Josie Gets Her Hair Did

minnesotatrip 004
Josie's bouncy curls were losing their bounce and combing through her luscious locks was getting to be pretty much impossible.
So after two months of preparation, yesterday we went and had her first salon experience!
I was SO SO happy that my own personal stylist, my beautiful cousin Pearl, was able to fit one extra head of curls into her schedule!

So in to the chair she went.
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And with a Snip Snip here:
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And a Snip Snip there:
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Here a Snip:
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There a Snip:
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Everywhere a Snip Snip:
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Josie was looking good!
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Don't worry Andrew, I saved you a whole bag of her curls!


Anonymous said...

so proud of that BIG girl!!!!

Maura said...

So pretty! (before/and after):)