
Arizona - Day 4 Part 2

Look at the cool camera case that my Aunt Suzy gave me! I love it!
We had a great time over at my grandparent's house. It was so nice out in the backyard so that's where we had our snacks before dinner.
On vacation you eat snacks before dinner!
Look at these two Love Birds! Play dough has been a requiring theme on this vacation!Dinner was a-m-a-z-i-n-g!
Spaghetti, Meatballs, Salad, Bread, and Cheesecake for dessert!Oh, and great company!Now that Suzy and Emma are here there is an abundance of babysitters!
We played Farkle after dinner and had a blast.
The Rouillard Family is infamous for our card playing. Farkle, not so much!
Grandpa ended up winning every round, but he was also the scorekeeper, so there's a little suspicion as to who really won!
It was a late night for Little Josie and she found the perfect spot to rest.
GiGi is another one of Josie's new best friends!