We Choose Virtues is a company that was started by a preschool teacher who was also a children's pastor. Heather McMillan became passionate about children's personal character after noticing how a lack of them effected all other areas of the child's life. The company tagline of "We Choose Virtues... Simply Inspiring Character That Lasts" is spot on. They offer memorable catchphrases that teach children all about virtues that will carry them all throughout their lives.
They offer packs for schools, families, churches and homeschools. Most of the products are suitable for kids between the ages of 4 and 11. Although I think that anyone that is old enough to listen would benefit from these products. I know that I needed the reminders myself.
For this review, we were sent the NIV Parenting Cards as well as PDF downloads of Kids of VirtueVille Coloring Book, Family Character Assessment, Teacher's Handbook, and Butterfly Awards for the kids.
How We Used It:
For the most part, character training comes in little spurts throughout the day. Usually following some misbehavior. Sometimes (read: always) I get tired of nagging the kids all the time. I had used We Choose Virtues when Josie was in Kindergarten and really liked it. I knew the lessons were very short and to the point and that they were full of great one liners that made it easy to remember the virtues.
I added these to our morning time right at the start of school.
I decided to do one virtue a week and spread the teaching points out over the week. I felt that this would be a good way to really make sure they memorized the virtue. I read the card to the kids and we repeated the verse a few times. The kids usually wanted to color that weeks virtue kid while I read. They really liked the coloring book.
If the card had an activity, we would do that one day. We did all the challenges, and man, were they hard! The "try not to say "I want" for an entire day" almost did me in! It's somewhat embarrassing to see how much I need to work on these virtues as much as the kids.
I did read over the Parents Manual, but didn't use it on a regular basis.
For our family, reading the cards was enough for us to find our own teachable moments. The Parenting Manual does have some great extension activities, but if you are concentrating on the virtue of the week, you'll find plenty of opportunities for reinforcement.
My Opinion:
I was impressed at how much the kids liked the Virtue Kids on the cards. Josie remembered each of their names and virtues after just one time of reading over the cards. There were a lot of times during the day that I could just ask, "is that what Cake Jake would do?" and they would correct the behavior. I love all the quick, one liners that the cards gave me. It was so simple to embed in each of our minds and hearts.
The Parenting Cards are printed on thick, glossy card stock and are adorably colorful. I loved having them up on our board. The cards are done in a "I am"/"I am not" style. I really liked that they gave examples of each that kids can relate to. I'll be totally honest, half the time I needed the reminder as much as the kids did.
The kids favorite part was the coloring book. I printed ours on card stock and both Josie and Gabe sat and worked until the sheets were colored in all the way.
Character training is one of those things that we all want our kids to have, but usually don't take extra time to teach it. I know that these things are not naturally a part of kids (or adults) so it's important that we do take the time to talk about them. Each of our lessons took under 15 minutes, but the impact was very big.
I think virtues aren't something you learn and are done, which is why I appreciate how catchy the phrases are for each Virtue Kid. It's easy to memorize, making it very easy to recall the phrases in the middle of a not so virtuous moment. I'm so glad that we did this review. We have a ways to go, but I am now more conscious of each trait and actively working towards instilling them in my kids.
I recommend this to all families that are wanting to encourage their kids to think of others.
Product Details:
Parenting Cards - $38.49
Kids of VirtueVille Coloring Book - $3.00
Teacher's Handbook - $5.00
- Order by June 30th and use the Promo Code BIG50 for 50% off the amazing set of 12 11x17 Kids of VirtueVille Posters! This is the lowest this set has ever been offered. We have these from when Josie first used We Choose Virtues and love them. They are great for school classrooms, Kids Church, or your homeschool room.
- Order in JUNE-AUGUST and use the Promo Code BTS20 for 20% off anything in the WCV Store. This includes any kit!
*Only one promo code per order
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