
Embraced - The School Table

Josie is half way through kindergarden.  She learns new things just as fast as I can teach them.  I thought about taking the Summer off from schooling, but I didn't see a reason to when we both enjoy it so much.

We are starting a couple awesome reviews for the TOS Crew.  The math program we are reviewing is Josie's favorite part of our school day.  She cries when I say the lesson is over. Safe to say that one will be getting a great review from us!

I feel so lucky and grateful that I get to be the one teaching Josie.  Not all of our days are easy.  There is plenty of stalling and grumbling and, some days, even tears.  But at the end of the day, we are learning together and making some pretty awesome memories that I'm happy to embrace.

*linking up with Emily at The Anderson Crew*