
My Five Senses

We spent the past couple of weeks learning about the 5 senses.  

We did a different sense each day.  I planned an activity and we did a page in a little book I made up.  Her sight words for the week were "I" and "my" so she had to fill those in on each page and then draw a picture that went with each sense.

The first day was Taste.

We took a close look at each others tastebuds and then had a little taste test.  We had pita chips for salty, coffee for bitter, a lemon for sour, and a marshmallow treat for sweet.

Gabe doesn't usually join us for school, but he was all about getting in on the taste testing!

Day two was all about Hearing.

We had a busy morning so I winged our hearing project.  We talked about what it would be like if we couldn't hear then went outside to do some observations.  I had her close her eyes and tell me all the sounds she could hear.

I wrote down what she heard for our book.  It started nice and peaceful, but our list ended up looking like we live in the inner city instead of out in the country!

The third day we focused on Sight.

Again, we talked about how some people can't see and what it would be like if we weren't able to see.  Then I blindfolded her and had her try to walk around downstairs without running into anything.  This was really hard for her but she enjoyed it.

She labeled a picture of an eye for her senses book.

Day four we talked about Touch.

I placed about 8 of her toys in a bag and had her reach in without looking and try to tell me what it was.  We talked about how our sense of touch keeps us safe from things that are sharp or hot or too cold.

We did Smell last.

This one was our most fun experiment.  I had 3 jars of water, all colored different colors, and 2 jars that looked like water but were actually water and vinegar.  I had her guess what was in each and which she thought were the same.  Then I had her smell them and tell me if she was right or not.  It was a very cool illustration of how we can't always trust our eyes and that we need all of our senses to work together.

The vinegar got her!


RockerMom said...

Oh, how fun! We did many of these things when we studied the 5 senses, as well. Thanks for sharing!!

Brittney said...

Hi, I'm stopping by from Preschool Corner. I love everything, but especially the vinegar and water activity! I am preparing a human body unit for my son, and was planning to follow it up with the 5 senses, so I may be back for ideas!

bird and tree said...

what a creative way to learn your senses!!!! Looks like you all had fun with it too!!! Loving your ideas!!!

Books4Learning said...

Wonderful activities! Thanks for sharing. :)

Ticia said...

I love that first shot with the magnifying glass over her lips.

Thanks for linking up to Science Sunday!