

My Grandfather had two requests in his will.

That we would hold a small family mass after he passed and that we would have a big party on his 81st birthday with free beer and a toast to a life well lived.

And with his last dying words, he gave us the toast that will forever be our new family motto.


This past Friday was his 81st birthday and as directed, we threw him one heck of a celebration.

My family did an excellent job getting The Ranch ready to honor the man who cared for it for so many years.  It was a ton of work, but it was worth it. 

The place was gorgeous.f

We spent Friday setting up for the party and Saturday in awe of how many people loved my Grandpa.

We didn't get a final head count, but based on the plates used, we had between 250 and 300 people.

Each one touched by my Grandpa in a different way.

We held the service on the river bank and I've never been to a more peaceful service.

The sound of the river and the scripture and the old hymns made it almost surreal.

No doubt my Grandfather was among us.

I'm known for being the least emotional person in our family and I held myself together for most of the service.

I made it through my reading and the singing of How Great Thou Art, my favorite hymn.

But when the Veterans did the firearms solute and played Taps, I lost it.

So beautiful.  Such an honor.

And I all the sudden missed him so very much.

And then we celebrated.

Moose Juice and Grain Belt.  

Music and Laughs.

It was a perfect day and in the words of one of the greatest men to ever live,  Perfecto.


Amber said...

Tears were a flowing...thanks! It was a perfect as it could be! : )