
First Feild Trip!

Yesterday Ashley and I took the kids on a field trip.

It was supposed to be a trip to show them real seedlings and greenhouses to wrap up our lessons on flowers, but I'm pretty sure this trip ended up being way more for for Ashley and I then it was for the kids.

Don't get me wrong, the kids had a blast!


Teasing chickens.

But Turnipseed Farms was inspiring for Ashley and I.  That we didn't leave with one of every plant in our cars was a miracle!

The greenhouses were very neat.  I had never actually been in one, and man is it steamy in there!

The farmer at Turnipseed Farms is also an artist.  He had quotes and art in random places all over the place.  

"You need to be where you can be the person you were meant to be."

Love it!

They also have HUGE swans in the pond!  

They made me seriously nervous, but none of the kids were eaten so it ended up ok!

I'm going to have to bribe Darlene into coming with me sometime soon to help me figure out what I should plant in my yard. 

Even though I didn't know what flowers to buy, I did know that we were way behind on planting our veggies.

So we decided to buy some that were already going and get them in the ground.

We planted Bell Peppers, Zucchini, Squash, and Cucumbers.  We are starting Watermelon, Green Beans, and Pumpkins from seeds this week and Mr. Terry has our Tomato plants up in his greenhouse.

Then we painted a pot for our Basil.  

We did this last year too and it was another hit.  Josie and I worked together on it and it was a really fun project!