
No Peek Chicken

2009 222

Darlene bought me this gorgeous covered baker last Christmas.

I love it so much, but have hardly used it. So this past month I've taken it down from it's high shelf and made a point to try some new recipes in it.

The Fudge Cobbler I tried was an epic failure, so I decided to try a tried and true recipe next.

Darlene makes this for us and it is so yummy and easy, I thought I'd better share it!


All you need is...

  • a can of cream of celery soup
  • a can of cream of chicken soup
  • water
  • wild rice mix (with seasoning)
  • 3 chicken breast (cut in half)

This is so easy I feel silly writing it down!

Just mix the soups, one can of water, the rice and the seasonings in the baking dish. Lay your chicken on top and cover. Stick that baby in the oven at 350 for 2 hours.

Seriously, that's it.

It cooks the chicken perfectly and the rice and soup make an awesome gravy.

2009 223

I walked out to my garden and snapped off a few green beans to steam up too!

There is nothing more satisfying then picking dinner from your yard!

Except only having one dish to clean after cooking a hot meal.

That makes for a happy woman!


Amber said...

Haha....so tempted. Especially after the green bean comment! Thanks for lunch! : )

kimmer said...

This looks awesome!!! I'll be back to visit soon....I'm just sayin'...

Cunz Family said...

Love the dish....is it fiesta ware? Thats the brand of dishes I have and I love love love them!