
Christmas Pictures 2009

We finally got a family picture done for our Christmas cards!

Amber came to our rescue with her new fancy camera, and thanks to my ever growing Photoshop knowledge, we were able to put a card worthy picture together!

Our first attempt was cancelled out by Ole Hurricane Ida.

Although Andrew thought we should have done our picture out in the wind and rain.

You know, since that would pretty much discribe how 2009 was for us.

Then we could have sent out an honest letter about our up and down crappy then happy then crappy again year instead of the usual Leave It To Beaver type letter that everyone sends out.

"2009 was an especially crappy year for us.
Nicole lost her job, Andrew's pay plan was cut down, and Josie hit the terrible two's."

But Amber saved our Christmas card, and instead of sending out a gloomy gloom card, we will be sending out one like this:


little josie girl





(Not the official card! Gotta wait till Christmas for that one!)

And it's fitting.
Since 2009, while it had it's rough spots, was a year full of fun and laughter and crazy love for our little family!


kimmer said...

I so!!! love these photos!!! Amber is a true photographer in the making!!! What a great job! All three of you look wonderful! I especially love the one of Josie on the bench, She could be modeling for some fancy-smansy stores....but, she is the most beautiful little one in the world!!!!

Maura said...

They look great!!! She is just the cutest!!!