
Our Wishing Well!

Have I mentioned that Mr. Terry is the most amazing landscaper in the whole wide world?

Not only is he making our pool area more like a hotel pool then an ole' country house pool, he can also turn this:

2009 019

Into this:

2009 035

Into this:

2009 039

In to this:

2009 026

In to this:


In two days!

I am still in shock over how pretty it is!
And the sound of running water is just loud enough to drown out the sound of whining toddlers.


Not that I have any of those around here ever!

And here are the newest members of the Pope Family:


They don't have names yet, but I'm guessing Josie will name all of them "Fish".

I'm off to go throw a penny in the fountain!


Gina said...

so pretty!!!

Kameron said...

Wow! Can I borrow Mr. Terry???