
Up To My Eyeballs In Crafts

We spent the entire day scooter-pooting (which I am told means shopping and talking in the South) yesterday.
Thank God that our girlies like shopping as much as we do or it would have been rough.The whole purpose of the day was to drop off our wedding dresses at a consignment shop in Tyrone.
Little did we know, they aren't taking dresses until August. Not to mention the lady was super rude to me, and I don't like rude.
So if anyone knows of any consignment places in Georgia, let me know. I'm dying to get this thing out of my closet! But we did not let the day go to waste.
We went to Target and Starbucks and then to the Holy of Holy's, Hobby Lobby!
We were seriously there for over two hours. Up and Down every isle.
And I would like to go back today.
They are supposed to be opening one about ten minutes from my house. I've decided that is going to be a very bad thing.
It looked like Martha Stewart threw up in my living room.
*Please note the sleeping baby in the background. They were wiped out!

We were crafting like crazy until 10:30 when our husbands decided we were crazy and made us stop for the night.
She'll be back this morning to resume our insanity.
If you would have told me 10 years ago that my Friday night would be spent painting and sewing and glueing, and that I would LOVE it, I would have said you were crazy.

I guess my partying days are long gone!

Hopefully I will have some finished projects to show by the end of the weekend!


Betsy said...

Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

its pretty sad when you dont mention my name throughout the whole post but i'm pretty sure everyone knows who you are talking about when you say we. And you wonder why I dont have my own blog, i just share yours :)