
My Hands Are Covered In Paint...

But it is totally worth it to feel all crafty again!
I painted this for Josie's toy room and I love it!Then I did this for her bathroom:I like it, but it is a little sloppier then I was hoping it would be.
This is my all time favorite verse.
I know that there are lots of times that I struggle with feeling jealous of other women for materialistic things. This verse always reminds me that being charming or beautiful doesn't last, but a heart that is lost in the Lord will be beautiful forever.
I want Josie to read this everyday so that she puts her priorities in the right order.
I'm trying to find more ways to incorporate the Bible into her little two year old brain. It's never too early to start getting the Word inside of her!

And my joy for the day came from seeing these beauties outside my garage!I planted them last year and I actually didn't kill them!
Maybe my thumbs are a little green after all!


Anonymous said...

Cute work!! You spelled deceptive wrong on the bathroom sign. Is it too late to change it???