And I don't mean Andrew.
Although he is pretty yummy!
While Andrew finished up the biggest breakfast ever, Amy taught our kids how to smoke a pipe. Not really the lessons I was hoping Josie would learn on vacation!
I tried to tell her how inappropriate pipe smoking is for a two year old!Luke was a pro. Hmmm...
Then we stuffed our faces with pancakes, eggs, turkey bacon, and fruit salad!
This was supposed to be the day the guys went to explore the marsh and Amy and I took the kids to River Street but the weather was saying that our beach day was going to be kinda crappy so we decided to switch days.
Let me just say, when the weather man says it is going to be "windy" on Tybee, he isn't joking!Luckily, kids could care less if their hair is in their face or not so it wasn't a big issue for them!
BTW, Amy gave me some new fangled curl cream for Josie's hair and it works marvelously!Amy has a sweet cousin who lives on Tybee (Hi Sarah!) so she brought her adorable little man out to play on the beach with us!
How cute is Logan!?!?This is my favorite shot from the day! It's Amy and Scott trying to secure Matalie so that she doesn't fly away!
Josie is Luke's little shadow!
I took Josie down to the water, which she hated, and when I turned around Andrew and Scott were surrounded by about 30 seagulls! I wish you could see how close they were to their heads. There were only about 2 feet above their heads!
Turns out seagull like Lunchables!
I almost had an anxiety attack. I had a bad experience with a seagull when I was 7.
Let's just say it involved a hot dog, a bun, and a seagull.
I took a bite and there was a hot dog. When I went to take another bite, there was a seagull and then the hot dog was gone.
It was a sad day at the beach.I was so over the wind. Andrew obviously didn't mind.
When I convinced everyone that the wind and clouds actually made for a pretty sad beach day, we headed back to the cabin.
After a quick stop at the liquor store and the grocery store we were ready to be in for the night.
Amy's cousins, Josh and Sarah, came back with us for a game of Phase 10, which I rocked the house at.After Josh and Sarah left we played Catch Phrase. That game is so fun.
It's even more fun after a couple drinks!
Right before bed, Andrew asked me to rub his feet.I took one look at the dirt, dried play-doh, and Lord knows what else and politely declined.
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