
Let It Be Said Of Us

I came across these lyrics on another blog that I read and I fell in love with them. It is so simply stated and so true. I have never heard the song, but I pray that the words of it would be true for me and my family. At the end of the day, all the small things I fret over really don't matter. I hope that I am the example that Josie needs and the wife that Andrew needs so that these words will be said of us...

Let it be said of us
That the Lord was our passion,
That with gladness we bore
Ev'ry cross we were given;

That we fought the good fight,
That we finished the course.
Knowing within us
the pow'r of the risen Lord.

Let the Cross be our glory
And the Lord be our song.
By mercy made holy
By the Spirit made strong.

Let the Cross be our glory
And the Lord be our song.
'Till the likeness of Jesus
Be thru us made known.

Let it be said of us:
We were marked by forgiveness.
We were known by our love,
And delighted in meekness.

We were ruled by His peace,
Heeding unity's call;
Joined as one body
that Christ would be seen by all.

- Steve Fry