A couple years ago we all went through a big storm in our friendship. One that I didn't think we would ever get past. Andrew and I did some stupid stuff and weren't very supportive. Now as I look back, it seems like it was all so trivial. I know we can't take back the mistakes we've made and we can't get that time we all spent not being friends back, but I am so glad that we are all friends again. I love that we can do life together, that Andrew can talk to Jason about anything and that Tiff is always there to hang out with and I really love that our kids will grow up together.
So today, I am thankful for real friends. Friends that are there when you're not fun to be around, to walk you through the valley and to rejoice with you on the mountain tops. Here's to a life long friendship, to forgiveness, and to covenant relationships. We love you guys.
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