
Adventures With The Class Pet

On Josie's first day of school, she came home unhappy about most of her new lot.

The only thing about it that brought a smile to her face was Mocha, the class guinea pig.

Thankfully, her opinion on school changed within that first week.  And her love for all things guinea pig has grown too.  The librarian even found a series of books about Fluffy the Guinea Pig that got her to read 14 books in two weeks.  Unheard of for my reluctant reader.

Josie's been waiting for weeks for her turn to bring the class pet home for the weekend.

And when that weekend finally rolled around, Mocha was given the royal treatment.

It was a fun weekend that almost, almost, made me consider getting the kids a pet.  Then she wouldn't get in her carrying case Monday morning and made us late for everything and I quickly snapped back to my senses.  I'm just not a pet person.  I think we will stick to weekend visits.

gabe begged to hold mocha, but since i refused to touch it, i told him he had to wait until 
andrew was here to catch it if gabe let it go.  when he finally got his turn, 
he screamed, "get it off!!! get it off!!!" as soon as it was in his arms.

sidenote: guinea pigs don't run away and are actually pretty mellow pets.


Unknown said...

My sister had guinea pigs! We loved them but hers had a biting problem. Also more than one can lead to a LOT more than one...HA!

Unknown said...

My sister had guinea pigs! We loved them but hers had a biting problem. Also more than one can lead to a LOT more than one...HA!

kimmer said...

I LOVE that picture of Josie looking into the cage with her hair all tossled! It's the best!
PS...I'm so happy you came to your senses.

Christy said...

Um, excuse me. You clearly have never seen Mr. Muchly or Twiglet Piglet, Dottie Angel's guinea pigs. Because those cuties would totally make you forget about the carrier coop d'etat and go out and buy a hundred. Don't look. The cute is too much. I might be currently working to convince the husband that he wants one. No luck so far.