
Christmas Hearts

Back in October, I signed Gabe up for a local non-profit that does some really fun things for kids with CHD.

Last month we got to ride The Pink Pig at Macy's before it opened to the public and this past weekend we went up to Cox Enterprises for a huge Christmas Party.  Going to things like this is way out of my comfort zone.  I may seem social here on the blog, but in real life I'm totally awkward and self conscious.  I debated not going but am so glad I sucked it up and went.

The kids had a blast.

They had a build a bear station, a ton of food, and a chocolate fountain.  All things my kids are pretty nuts over.  

I had two goals; one was to meet some other HLHS families and two was to get a picture of the kids with Santa.

I accomplished one.

The past two years, Gabe has lost his ever loving mind when we tried to get him to sit on Santa's lap.  This year, he ran right in front of all the kids in line and jumped right up in his lap.  

We went to see him a few times because Josie kept thinking of more things to ask him for.  We don't actually do Santa but she wanted to cover all the bases, just in case.

And, y'all, Gabe got down on the dance floor.

Like, really.

He started out with some very, ahem, off beat moves.  But half way through the Electric Slide he found his beat and I had to drag him off when it was time to leave.  

I'm so thankful for programs like Kids At Heart.

Maybe next time I'll actually talk to someone.

If you are a Heart Parent, I strongly recommend checking to see if you have a program like Kids At Heart in your area.  Gabe is still a little young, but as he grows there are a ton of excellent events and camps that these programs offer.  Ours even has family dinners and sibling camps.  Cardiac disease and defect effect the entire family.  Support is good.  Get some.


  1. Nicole, I know exactly what you mean. I started my blog when our daughter was diagnosed in utero with HLHS. I "met" a lot of heart families online and was able to really open up to them- online, but not in person. I got really involved in the heart community and then the inevitable moment came- I was actually going to be meeting them in person and I was TERRIFIED. Actually swallowing my social fears and meeting them has been one of the best things I have ever done. It was amazing to talk to other people who just GET IT. You don't have to worry about the things you say, they've felt the same way. Kids at Heart sounds amazing! So glad you guys had a good time. I'm SO jealous of the Santa pic- Aly will go NOWHERE NEAR him! lol :)

  2. It's so great that you have found this group! I just know many good things will come of the connections there. Talking with others that really understand and have been thru some similar health concerns. We love little Gabe So Much!!! I love the dancing pictures!!!

  3. This looked like so much fun! he is cute!

  4. Oh man, we went to that party last year - I'm bummed we werent there this year so we could have met up! Glad y'all had fun!


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