
Gingerbread Science

We've been having fun with gingerbread men in school this past week.

We read Jan Brett's Gingerbread Baby and then did a little science experiment to see what would have happened if the Gingerbread Baby had fallen in the river instead of riding on the iceberg.

Our poor Gingerbread Baby was not that smooshed after it's 30 minutes in the "river", but Josie couldn't help feeling how soft he was.

She completed her experiment page as we went along.

Her writing needs some work and it's her least favorite subject so I'm trying to find fun ways to get her to write.  This was the first time in quite awhile she didn't whine while doing some writing work.


  1. I LOVE this idea!!!! we're going to do it next week. awesome. My Kindergartner needs serious writing help, too...gotta work on that! I actually have to work on just handwriting, too. but, anyway, thanks for sharing this idea!

  2. Tommy's class just read this book this week and did a worksheet where they drew pictures of the book and wrote sentences about what happened :)

  3. Hello. I wanted to come over and say hi. Your kiddos are gorgeous and I have loved getting to know your blog. If you have any questions about HLHS, transplant or fontan options email me anytime! Owen has never qualified for the fontan, but he was too stable to list for transplant. This went on for years. Stanford decided to list him this past march and after getting second and third opinions from Boston and chop..it was decided that transplant is it at this point. I felt defeated at first..like there has to be another way, but I am finally at peace. It took me months to get here! Many prayers as you wait for word from Boston. What was the reason the fontan won't be a good option?

    With Owen it was the leaky tricuspid valve combined with mediocre function causing high pulmonary pressure...all a bad combo for a good fontan outcome. So we wait...

  4. I know two little boys who would love this experiment!

    My Kindergartner hates handwriting too, but he likes writing lists or labeling his drawings, so I'll take what I can get!

  5. We had so much fun when we did this experiment. :) Thanks for sharing and linking up with us.

  6. So much fun! We'll have to try this out. I started a new saturday linky and would love to have you come by to share some of your great ideas! http://www.teachbesideme.com/2012/12/share-it-saturday.html


So, how are you doing?