
Spring Learning

It seems that I'm a bit backwards on my teaching excitement.

Most Homeschooling Moms get all geared up and excited in August and September.

They organize, plan, and stock up their schoolrooms.  They spend the end of the Summer creating awesome lesson plans and getting creative.


I get that itch to plan in March.

April seems to be the month that we hit school hard and we tend to take our break at the end of Winter.  I just don't function when it's cold.

So here we are, the beginning of April and I'm on pins and needles to really amp up Josie's lessons.

We're starting a Preschool Co-op with a good friend and we've themed out the month.

Like most other Preschoolers in the South, this month will be all about Gardening and Flowers for Josie.

We are using Homeschool Creations Gardening Preschool Pack, reading lots of books, and of course, getting our own garden rolling.

We're also linking up to the Homeschool Village's Garden Challenge.

We did something new this week that Josie really enjoyed and was a neat addition to her Preschool Book.  I read her a story then she narrated back to me what she remembered and told me her favorite part.  Then she drew a picture to show part of the book.

We are learning about rain for Little School this week so we read, Clifford And The Big Storm.

Clifford's huge around here right now so she loved this.  

This is a picture of Clifford, The Grandma's House, and a sand pile.  (You know, just in case you couldn't tell!)

I attempted to do a rhyming game with her where I'd show her a picture and say it's name then she was supposed to find the card with the rhyming word on it.  

She did not understand at all and got really upset about it and told me she didn't want to play with me anymore.

Poor kid.

So I made it up to her with a little Go Fish.

Daddy took over this weeks baking project (chocolate cake) so that Mama could have some much needed alone time!  

 Love my people!

We haven't done Little School for a few months, but Ashley and I are starting back up.  

This week's theme was Weather and Ashley did awesome with the lesson!

They made Rain Sticks, A Grass Snake, learned about the water cycle, did a funny mad lib about a raindrop, and made "Plant A Seed Cupcakes!"

Josie even made a new best friend!


Andrea said...

Do you have a recipe for the "plant a seed" cupcakes? It looks so cute!