
TOS Review - Bible Study For All Ages

What Is It?

Bible Study For All Ages is a company that is passionate about teaching real Bible lessons to children and adults of all ages.  They stand on the idea that kids can handle learning about more than the typical Noah story and that the actual Bible should be the basis for these lessons rather than just character trait type lessons.

One unique feature of this company is that the different levels all study the same material just at a different depth.  This allows families to study together.

For this review, we tried out the Beginner Level Unit 1.  This level is recommended for preschool through kindergarden and Unit 1 covers 104 lessons.  We were also sent the Beginner Timeline and the Children's Songs CD Set.

How We Used It?

This program is completely open and go, so when we got our package I just stuck the book in Josie's workboxes and we started right away.

The book is laid out in a way that makes it extremely easy to teach.  You don't need much at all for the lessons and if you do, it would be listed right on the front page.  Any items needed were small trinkets you would easily find in your house.  I followed the laid out plan exactly and it was super simple.

We started by going over our timeline each day and adding a new sheet.  Josie really liked these and they are done very well.  The pictures were colorful and pretty enough to leave out.  They are printed on heavy card stock.  After that we went over the review questions from the previous lesson and sang the songs listed.  Josie loved the CD so much that I ended up putting it in the car so we could listen to it there.

After that I read the little life senerio before flipping the page over to read the actual Bible lesson.  I loved the way this was done!  Each lesson is broken up into sections.  As I read the section, Josie would find the box with the corresponding number and look at the picture.  At the end of each section, it would instruct her in how to color the picture.  This was awesome for keeping her engaged and helped her remember what was happening in each picture.

At the end, we flipped it back over to discuss one last life senerio and talk about how to apply that Bible lesson in real life.

My Opinion:

This is by far my favorite Bible program we have used.  I love how it engaged Josie with the coloring, the songs, and the short but memorable memorization.  The program is pretty much open and go which I love too.

I also like that the lessons were short.  We completed each lesson in no more than 15 minutes.  The stories stretch out over a few lessons so that a lot of detail and facts are given, but not all at once to where it's overwhelming.

Josie has learned and retained the information.  Each lesson has review questions and she was able to recite back a ton of detail and information.  I give credit to the coloring part of the lesson for cementing these details in her memory.

We also are really liking the CD.  The songs remind me of what Andrew's Grandmother would have sang to the kids had she still been alive.  Most are either old hymns or catchy sunday school type songs.  They are kids singing which can get a little old, but when I wasn't feeling it I just turned off the front speakers in the car and let the kids enjoy.  They really couldn't get enough.  There are two CDs in the pack so there are plenty of songs.

I did wish that it would have been bound better.  I'm guessing that it is designed to tear out the page before you use it, but for homeschooling, it would have been nice to be able to keep it as a book.  After a couple lessons, the pages didn't stay glued in.  It was easy to fix, I just gave her one sheet at a time instead of the whole book.

If you feel like you want to teach Bible lessons in your homeschool or at church, I think this program is a home run.

Product Details:

Beginner Pack - $63.20
 *includes all 104 lessons, CD, & Timeline
Workbooks Price - $5.95 for 26 lessons 
CD Set - $19.95
Timeline Set - $24.95


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