I love a lot about homeschooling, but new curriculum is my favorite.
I can spend hours browsing websites and magazines, dreaming up what might fit for us. I picked this year's curriculum last April and have been itching to put it to use for months.
In the past we have always done themed units. I decided half way through last year that they were adding more stress than they were helping so I ditched them this year. We will do some mini units around holidays and to toss it up once in awhile, but they won't be a part of our regular schooling.
I'm also starting Gabe on preschool. I'm taking it slow with him and just going to help him get the basics down.
All that said, here's what we'll be doing in Pope Academy this year!
First Grade (Josie - 6)
Spelling - All About Spelling Level 2
Grammar & Reading - Lightening Literature 1st Grade
Handwriting - Journaling & Pen Pal Letters
Sonlight's 1st Grade Reading List
Math Mammoth 1st Grade
A Child's Geography
Story of the World Level 1 Ancient Times
Miscellaneous Units
Farm Fusion *
We won't do every subject everyday. I have a rhythm planned out that I think is going to work awesome for us. We covered most of our science material over the Summer. Farm Fusion pretty much covers the rest so unless we have some delight based units, we are pretty much done with science for this year already!
* I'm totally excited about Farm Fusion! Every Wednesday, Josie will go to a hybrid homeschool group to learn agriculture, storytime, writing, arts/crafts, free-standing language arts mini-lessons, and social development activities. It's a drop off program so it will give her a chance to learn from another teacher without me right there. She's super excited to make some new friends and get to milk a goat!
Preschool (Gabe - 3)
All About Reading - Pre-Reading
Activities from Confessions of a Homeschooler
Lots of Art, Baking, and Montessori Activities
Gabe will also sit in on our read alouds and, just like last year, be welcome at the school table anytime we are doing school as long as he isn't disruptive. I fully intend to continue to put off formal schooling for him for at least another year. We will go through the AAR program slow and have a ton of fun with it!
I love being nosy and seeing what other homeschoolers are using :) Thanks for sharing! Hopefully I will get myself together another enough to share mine soon! We are doing All About Spelling Also :)