
More Curls

psst...tomorrow's First Day!

Snap away and I'll see you Sunday for the link up!

As if summoned by yesterdays "Go With It" post, life threw us another curve ball.

I should know better then to utter those little words.  Saying out loud that life is smooth, easy, so full of order that it makes my heart sing.  Declarations like that are a sure onset of change.

We've known about this sweet little ball of curls for a few months now.

Her name is Khyla and  she is as precious as she looks.  Her home situation was going from bad to worse and she was headed into some dangerous situations.  Her mother is a young lady that has good intentions but isn't able to get on her feet and take care of Ky.

She asked us to help her find a temporary home for Khyla.  While we look, she will be staying with us.

She fits right in.  

Happy with a touch of sass just like my other two curly tops.

I won't lie though, two two year olds is not for the meek.

She is a year younger then Gabe to the day.

They get along great as long as Josie isn't around.  Gabe is a tad jealous of the attention Josie is giving to Ky.  He's used to being her baby doll and even though he acts like he hates it, I think he's not ready to give up that job yet.

The mother gave us temporary legal guardianship.  

This isn't a foster placement which makes it a bit more difficult to help find a good home for her.  Part of me really wishes she could stay here, but another part of me knows that with all the uncertainties with Gabe's heart procedures, this isn't the best time for us to add to the family.

She will be here until we find a good home.  And I'll be learning to manage that hair!


  1. Thanks for the first day reminder. I would've hated to miss this month, but it had completely slipped my mind.

  2. OMG- Khyla is ADORABLE. You are awesome for helping her mom and taking on another toddler. :) I think we may be headed down the road of adopting again- but we'll have to wait and see what's in store...

  3. She is absolutely beautiful!! Praying;)

  4. She is absolutely beautiful! Praying;)

  5. Oh she is sooo cute!!! Good for you, Nikki!!

  6. She is so cute! I am so mad at myself! I took all of the picturesforfirst day last month and forgot to post! I might to a retroactive one. :) I won't forget tomorrow!

  7. I also took pics all day yesterday so I could link up and got busy last night and totally forgot to upload them. I was out of town all day today and didn't get a chance to do it. Maybe next month.


So, how are you doing?