
Storming Heaven

Alright faithful Warriors.

Today is the day.

Court is at 9AM.

I'm strapping on My Armour.

I'm calling all my angels.

I'm praying as if his life depends on it.

Because quite frankly, it does.

Will you storm Heaven with me today on behalf of my little boy?

My sweet, sweet little boy.

Who has no idea that his entire World could be turned upside down today.

Pray for peace.  Pray for strength.  Pray for discernment.

Pray for wisdom.

Pray for him.


  1. Nic, I will storm heaven with you today! May court bring you some good news and a little bit of peace. After all it is the holiday season :) I love my Popes. <3 PJ

  2. Praying for you and that sweet boy. He is so precious.

  3. of course! praying for your little boy today and your family too!

  4. You were in my prayers here in Nevada.

  5. Praying for you all that everything went well and according to his plan! Excited for you!


So, how are you doing?