
You won't believe it! (Farmhouse Update)

How about a little Farm House update?

It's been a month since we last checked in on it (on the blog that is.  I'm up there snooping around daily!) and a lot has happened since then!

Not a day goes by that I don't laugh at the fact that Andrew and I thought we would be able to renovate The Farmhouse.  We think pretty highly of our non crafty selves.

But Mark and Christy?

They are pretty much an old house's dream and the humble farmhouse is getting all sorts of Pinteresty.  The amount of detailed work and actual craftsmanship that is taking place seriously blows my mind.

*Pinteresty is a very legit word.

The old, disgusting, stinky, scary, somewhat dangerous house is headed for a brand new lease on life.  I could give you a run down of what is happening, but the pictures do a much better job of telling the story so lets just stick with those.

Here's the front room when they first started.  

Crowded, cramped, and dark.  And dirty.  Really, really dirty.

And here it is today:

GAH!  I just cannot get over how open the new floor plan is.  And how bright.  Christy is awesome at envisioning things and I think it is coming together perfectly.  The countertops and sink will go in soon and I'm so excited to see it all in.  

I don't have a good before shot of the laundry room, but they just finished laying the new floor and it also changed the whole look and feel of the space.

The living room is looking good too.

The bead board ceiling has been exposed and the beam fixed.  The yellow toned walls have been replaced with a nice grey.  The mammoth piano is still sitting in there, weighing a billion tons.  And for the first time ever, this area has lights!

Next up is the office area that will be her adorable boy's school room.

Again, I don't have a good before shot but this room was the worst burgundy color ever.  And the paint job was not good so you could see brush strokes everywhere.

So much better!

And the last stop on this update tour: The Bathroom.

Let's all take a moment and thank the heavens that the state of this bathroom has significantly been improved.  Pretty sure no human could feel clean bathing in the previous said "bathroom."

Can y'all believe the difference?!?!

I'm learning so much just watching this whole process about color choices and the placement of things. The bones of the house haven't changed a lick, but by lightening things up and updating some things, it feels like a totally new house.  I told you, Marc and Christy are like a dream.

Now, I'm just a snooper, creeping around my new neighbor's house and yard.

Christy is the real deal and she's documenting all the real work on her blog, Blessed Little Thistle.  While I show pictures that make it look like it just happened overnight, she's showing the blood, sweat and tears that are going into it.

Go read it and Pin the mess out of it.  And if you're more motivated then me, go renovate something for yourself!


  1. Looking good. I loooove that farmhouse table!

  2. WOW!!! Absolutely amazing how good things are looking! What a transformation!

  3. I started stalking her blog, they make me look like a wuss conplaining that my dryer is broken and i have to line dry my clothes for a while. Love her (and your) blog!

  4. I started stalking her blog, they make me look like a wuss conplaining that my dryer is broken and i have to line dry my clothes for a while. Love her (and your) blog!


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