
Everybody Freeze!


Y'all, what happened to this week?  Should I quit asking that and just accept that the weeks are going to keep flying by?

As busy as my day planner looks, my days are flowing so smooth.  Not to jinx it, but the kids are getting along so great and school has been super fun.  The other day I walked by the school room and heard little giggles.  I sat outside the room for a good 15 minutes listening to them playing "Waffle House."  I wanted to freeze time right then and there.

It still blows my mind that I get to be their Mom.

We had another marathon week.

We started at my Dad's last weekend.  It was a very much needed low key weekend that recharged my batteries and refilled my heart.  I love spending weekends with my Dad and am really, really trying to make it happen more often.

The fact that most of the five hour trip looked like this both ways will for sure help make that a reality:

We got home late Monday night and hit the ground running Tuesday.

We had my cracked windshield fixed before our road trip, but while driving through a nasty rain storm, my feet were suddenly drenched.  I'm thinking they did a poor job of sealing that bad boy up.  So we had to run that back to the shop, hit the grocery store, fit in a full day of school.

That night I had a mini meltdown and told Andrew we needed to have a calendar date.

We ate nachos at 9PM, poured some wine, and synchronized our schedules for the next three weeks.  I'm feeling much more in control now and ready for a new season of life.

Josie finished up her first round of Farm Fusion on Wednesday.  

She learned so much about goats and made some great friends.  I also credit her teacher, Ms. Holly, for the extreme improvement in her writing.  She has a four week break before she goes back for a new four week workshop.

They wrapped up the session with a fun field trip today to a local farming festival.  There were some really neat demonstrations set up.  Gabe sat on a tractor and Josie got a popsicle so obviously it was a hit.

Josie's grammar/literature program (Lightening Literature) revolves around a different book each week.

This week was The Snowy Day and we had so much fun with it.  The curriculum covers writing, reading comprehension, and grammar, but I added in some activities too.  I'm embracing my love of themes and going with it.

We made crystal snowflakes and learned about the scientific method as well as how the solvents and salutes reacted together to form the crystals.

I finally got around to using Homeschool Creations Read, Build, Write sheets.  She has vocabulary cards for a lot of the books we are doing with Lightening Literature so this will be a good independent activity for Josie.

I taught Josie how to make paper snowflakes.  This was a great activity for following directions.

And I wrapped it up today with hot cocoa and a snow sensory tub for each of the kids.  This instant snow stuff is a huge hit around here.  The hour of quiet is for sure worth the mass sweeping that has to follow.

So that's what we've been up to.

Enjoying each other and having a lot of fun learning.  Andrew's off today so we are going to go do something with the kids.  My guess is that it will involve frozen yogurt and a park somewhere.

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