

The Minnesotan in me is transitioning into Fall.

Thinking about harvesting and root vegetables, apple orchards and pumpkin candles.  I'm ready to switch out closets and purge all things Summer.  But just like every September since I moved 13 years ago, Georgia isn't cooperating.

After a strangely wet and cloudy Summer, we are just now starting to get some hot, sunny days around these parts.  I went out last weekend to pull up the garden in order to prep it for my first Fall Garden, when, low and behold, that sucker isn't done producing yet.

Okra, that self planted, is going strong right in the middle of the green beans.

Green beans 

Peppers coming out of my ears!  Seriously picking about 15 a week!

Andrew found about 8 watermelons hiding in the weeds.

Figs.  The birds are enjoying these more than we are so far.

Pomegranates are looking good.  Still not sure when to pick them though. 

Not all of the garden is feeling as peppy.  

The tomato plants are looking ultra sad and I've got some crazy, coiled cucumbers going on out there.  But after a good weeding and watering, even those are seeming a bit perked up today.  I have given up on the bug war though.  Eat away little buggers.  Next year we rematch.

Andrew performed a very scientific watermelon ripeness experiment (slapping them until one sounds hollow) and deemed this beauty ready.

We were still a little premature, but it has been awesome to have fresh, homegrown fruit in the fridge.

I'm feeling transitions in a lot of other parts of life too.

It's been a draining week of sorting through emotions, for sure not my favorite way to spend time.  But through it all, I'm catching glimpses of how great life is.  I have a lot to be thankful for.

I like to smack these three humans right at the top of that list.

Gabe thinks his new hat that matches Andrew's is about the greatest thing ever.  He wears it from the moment he wakes up until he goes to bed at night and is pretty demanding about Andrew wearing his too.

His current aspirations for life include, "wi-ding me motorcycle for two minutes to me Waffle House."

Gabe's dream night, helping Dad with drawer change and counting the commissary.

He also started preschool this week.

In his undies.  On the table.

Josie has decided that Andrew is going to build her an American Girl bunkbed, complete with a trundle bed for when her doll's friends spend the night.  We tease and call her our Camp Director.  Girlfriend can orchestrate some activities.  And I have a feeling Andrew is going to be busy following her 17 page blueprints for the bed.

Seriously.  I couldn't fit it all in the picture.

Is that enough rambling for a Friday Morning?

I think so.  Don't forget, Sunday is First Day and I'd love to have you link up with us!  I'll be running from church to a Sip and See back to church and hoping to get home in time for Breaking Bad.

See you all on Monday, have a happy weekend!

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