
TOS Review - BrainFood Learning

What Is It?

BrainFood Learning is a company that was started by two parents that wanted educational videos that were still entertaining for their kids.  When they couldn't find what they were looking for, they created this line of "The Fascinating World of..." videos.

For this review we were sent their Fascinating World of Insects DVD.

The DVD covered a ton of insects, including grasshopper, ladybug, rhino beetle, firefly, mosquito, honey bee, water strider, ant, praying mantis, dragonfly, and butterfly.  All DVDs also include vocabulary words and reviews at the end of the video.

The company also offers lesson plans to go with every video on their website.

How We Used It:

We got this DVD right as we were wrapping up our two month long study of insects.  We have all learned a ton and done a lot of really interesting projects.  I knew this DVD would be a great way to wrap up all that we had covered.

We love learning from DVDs.  It's relaxed and a nice change up for all of us.  I popped up some popcorn and used this DVD as an afternoon treat for the kids.  

They LOVED it!  We paused, rewound, and giggled through the whole video.  It did an excellent job of getting us right up close to the insects world.  The bug's faces were awesome to see so close!  

My Opinion:

This video is really well done.  Each section covers a type of insect and gives quite a few facts about them.  The insects covered are common enough that the kids recognized them and were really excited to learn all the cool facts.  Plus seeing their bodies so close was great.

I loved how they incorporated vocabulary words into each section.  I also appreciated the reviews at the end of the DVD.  The reviews start with super easy questions and get progressively harder.  Josie was thrilled to see how much she knew after watching the video one time!

If you are studying insects, I highly recommend this video.  I also would suggest checking out their site to see if any other videos might correspond with any of your themes.  I'm planning to buy the bird DVD for our bird unit.

Product Details:


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