
Well, never mind.

Last week Josie went to vacation bible school at our church.

From 9 to noon you could find her prancing around with her buddies making crafts and eating snack in the cafeteria. They sang songs on stage and got bracelets and played tug of war in the gym. She even got to be line leader one morning which we all know is the ultimate power trip for a six year old.

And while she was at VBS, I was free.

Well, kind of. I had my tiny dude with me, but he's game for any and all of my shinanagins. I headed out the door bright and early Monday morning, dressed, make up on, armed with my list of errands.

As a mom that has never done a regular school drop off routine, it's always hard for me to leave her the first day. She was nervous too, gripping my hand and telling me she might want to skip it ths ear. But five seconds after walking in the door she spotted her friends and her hand slipped from mine as she ran off giggling with a gaggle of girls.

Gabe and I hung out at the back of the auditorium for a few minutes before sneaking out to start our marathon errand running.

And I got so much done.

Some where between a much needed Starbucks stop (getting out the door by 8:30 ain't fun) and returning our library books I thought, " I can see the appeal of sending kids to school."

On day two, I woke up a little less ready to get up at 7.  I did get ready and we did get some errands done, but I was already lacking the pep in my step.

On day three we were all sick of getting up early and ended up being 30 minutes late and on day four we decided the beach sounded good and skipped vbs all together.

And that's when I remembered that we aren't morning people and we like spontaneous road trips and running errands with a three year old isn't much easier than doing it with a three year old and a six year old.

So I'll keep my trusty duo of sidekicks and forfeit the morning drop offs at least a little longer.


  1. It's a good life and a wonderful little family you have!

  2. Nicole,

    I had the same opportunity during VBS this past summer. Since this is the third year they have participated, it wasn't as strange leaving them as it was the first year. I must admit that I looked forward to the free time, but I also couldn't wait to go pick them up. I am also one of those mothers who hangs around before leaving. I don't think that would bear well at a school. The children also enjoy the VBS program at our church. Right or wrong, the world spins funnier when we are not all hanging out together.

    I am loving the idea of spontaneous road trips. I've been building up my nerve again.

  3. I have a countdown til the first day of school. This is my first ever Summer vacation as a stay at home Mom. And let me tell you, I obviously bore Tommy because he already asked when school starts lol. I guess school is more fun than home :)


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