
Mutant Garden

It's been a rainy couple of weeks around here.

Totally uncharacteristic of Georgia July.  This month usually entails max humidity levels and all day pool fests.  Being cooped up inside for 10 days straight was rough on all of us.

Monday the sun came out in full force and we were happy to see it.  And based on our first garden check in a week, the veggies enjoyed the rain more than we did.

Some of the zucchinis were as big as baseball bats!  Josie and I were laughing so hard twisting them off the plant and measuring to find the biggest one.  A couple were too big to be used for anything, but more than a few ended up in zucchini bread or shredded in the freezer.

I was pretty late getting the green beans in this year.  Lucky for us, Georgia is kind to forgetful (lazy) garden folk.  We ate our first round at dinner last night and they were so good.

Is a double cucumber lucky?

I think so.

Oh the cherry tomatoes.

They are this years yellow squash.  Way overproducing.  As in, I'm picking an entire colander every other day.  Gabe and Andrew like them straight from the plant.  I like them in salads or sautéed into other veggies.  But we need to find a good way to store them or we are going to lose a ton.  We can't eat them fast enough!

Green peppers are rocking it this year too.

I added some epsom salts mixed with water to them earlier this season and I don't know if that's why, but we are getting a ton of fruit.  I love these on EVERYTHING so I'm a happy gardener!

The rouge watermelon plant is still causing much excitement too.  We are watching this bad boy grow and can't wait to eat it.  Considering I didn't even plant watermelon this year yet have a plant taking over 2/3 of the garden, I'm hoping it tastes amazing.

Our blueberry bush is done for the year and the blackberries are dwindling.  Pears, figs, and pomegranates still have a couple of months before they will be ripe.

I'm off to go enjoy the sunshine!  Happy Thursday Everyone!


  1. We'll take some tomatoes if you need to give some away.

  2. We'll take some cherry tomatoes if you need to give some away.

  3. Your garden is great!!! But that picture of Josie is an absolute treasure!love that girl!!!

  4. Exciting!! We've harvest sugar snap peas so far.. can't wait for what's to come!

  5. I'd love some cherry tomatoes from the Pope Market :)


So, how are you doing?