Like, a lot a lot.
I feel like we lived out of the car.
And today, my purse is in need of a major clean out. Since we all are admitted stalkers around here who love peeking inside other people's lives, I thought I'd share the mass amount of crap that I carry around in my purse.
I'll start by telling you that I have purse issues.
When my kids were in diapers, I had an awesome diaper bag that could hold their stuff and mine and was still stylish. I loved it.
But (praise the good Lord above) my kids are out of diapers and I felt ridiculous carrying that huge bag with a wallet in it. I've tried a few different purses and didn't like any of them. Then I saw my Sister in law carrying the perfect bag. Her's was a real, adult purse with a real, adult name brand on it. Out of my budget dang it. But the stars aligned one day last Fall and Target saved the day with a bonafide knock off.
I love it.
It holds my wallet, and all this other junk, very nicely.
So here we go. Here's what's in my bag:
wallet, my sunglasses, josies' sunglasses, 8 receipts, notepad from hotel, 4 pens,
earrings, sticker wrapper, key fab, carmex, 3 lipsticks, security tags from children's church,
doll socks, 4 hair ties, 2 hair clips, necklace from josie, old movie stub,
elastic headband, toy fish (huh?!?), unwrapped sucker
Every sunday, when I look down and see their names on this claim sticker, it catches my breathe that I have kids. Like, if I don't pick them up I'm in trouble because they are mine. Still can't believe it.
let's not talk about this unwrapped sucker and what all it was attached to in the bottom of my bag.
Not too bad for all the going I've been doing.
So now that that's all cleaned out, what should I show off next? Our freezer that desperately needs to be cleaned out? My makeup bag? Our pantry? They all need a good purge!
Have a good Thursday everyone.
I need to do a major purse cleanout as well! I am a paper
Happy Summer ♥
Amy K.