
Documented - 5/18

Life This Week:

We had a good week.

Nothing flashy, just your run of the mill good week.

We settled back in from our quick beach trip, celebrated Mother's Day, and had a surprise trip to the zoo.  We spent Andrew's days off alternating between being completely lazy and getting some yard work done.  Both were glorious.

Fake pouts.  But I'm sure real ones happened immediately before or immediately after.

School This Week:

We had a good school week.  I was super organized so everything went smoothly.  Our normal book work is cruising right along.  We started a new read aloud (Mrs. Piggle Wiggle) that we love.

In more exciting news, our caterpillars are snuggled into their chrysalis's!  They changed while we were at the beach last week so there were lots of squeals when we checked on them.  This has been so fun to watch.  By next weekend we should have butterflies!

And since we are enjoying this insect study so much, I ordered ladybug larva.

Y'all, my mail lady thinks I've lost my mind.  And when I saw how gross these ladies look at this stage of life, I had to agree.  They are now in their ladybug house and we are watching to see what happens next.

Going & Seeing:

Well, last week I talked about how we were staying home more and enjoying it.  This week we went nonstop and enjoyed it too!  Maybe I should stop making declarations about our methods since they change every week.

This week was hectic, but fun.  We had Livi over all day Monday and than went to her house for dinner, Tuesday we had to get groceries and Josie had her last ballet class, Wednesday a friend invited us to the zoo and we had church that night, and yesterday Josie had dress rehearsal for her recital.  Today is her recital and Parent's Night Out at church and tomorrow I am going to dinner with friends for a birthday!

Next week is shaping up to be just as busy.  I have book club Monday night, Josie's AWANAS Awards Night on Wednesday, and Andrew is officiating a wedding next weekend for a kid that was in our youth group, which makes me feel old.

Welcome to Crazy Town people!

Thankful For:

I am so incredibly thankful to get to be these little people's mother.  They teach me something every single day.  It usually includes grace and fresh starts.  Sometimes it's new ways to clean play-doh out of carpet.  I love them big.

We had a laid back Mother's Day.  

We went to church, had a glorious nap, and a really nice dinner with Andrew's parents.  Josie took charge of setting the table and she did an excellent job.  The ladies (herself included) got flowers at their spot and everyone got a name card.  After an emotional week, this really blessed me.  She is growing into a pretty amazing lady.

I miss my own Mom like mad on Mother's Day.  They all got together at my brother's house and it took all I had not to cash in our 401k and hop a plane up to Minnesota.  We decided to celebrate together the next visit we have.  We FaceTimed and that made me feel better.

Looking Forward To:

A trip to Florida next week to watch my little sister graduate from high school!  She actually did double enrollment so she graduated with her Associates Degree a couple weeks ago!  We are super proud of her and excited to spend time with Grandpa and Grandma!


  1. What a great week! We should be getting our butterfly kit next week. We are actually going to be hatching some chick eggs! Talk about losing your mind!

    I know you miss your family .. but what wonderful memories you are making with your own! :)

  2. Great post!
    Amy K.

  3. Yep, told you ladybugs were surprisingly creepy. (At least I think I told you that when you asked about the bugs on facebook!) Praying mantis creeped me out too, once I learned they were related to cockroaches. {gross} Even the butterflies are sort of disgusting when they emerge because it looks like a massacre occurred in there.

    BUT my kids have loved every bug we've done, so I guess I'll do them again. I draw the line at hissing cockroaches, though!


So, how are you doing?