

Last month at book club, we got on the topic of getting dressed.

Not sure how we got from The Christmas Quilt to pj pants, but we did.  We were split on whether we preferred to get ready every morning or stay in pajamas.  I'm of the first variety.  Sure I love staying in wrinkly night shirts, but I'm guaranteed to be good for nothing when I do.

But a lot of days, "getting ready" is really just swapping out day old leggings for a clean pair and layering on a few shirts, fuzzy socks always on my feet.

So I tracked it.  

My theory was true.  Days I got dressed and put on some makeup turned out way more productive then the days I didn't.

I should also let you in on my newest fashion trend.  When you think you have enough patterns, add one more.

I also have decided I like to not match.  Maybe that can be my signature.

Lastly, I should be embarrassed at how much of my closet started at Target.

cardigan, dress, sweater tights, boots - target; belt - dillards 

cardigan, plaid shirt, white tank, jeans, leopard flats,necklaces - allllll target

black top - old navy; white tank & red shoes - target; jeans - banana republic

also, everyone should wear lipstick.

top - old navy; grey tank, leggings, scarf - target; boot socks - whole foods

* PJ Days not recorded.  Just picture ratty old t-shirts with leggings.


  1. I love them all! I miss WIWW:) And I like your mantel decor.

  2. I totally agree - getting dressed makes for a much more productive day! You are too cute :) Love your outfits!

  3. You are so CUTE!!!! I love your mis-matched outfits best!!!

  4. I LOVE that you tied that belt!!!! Ingenious!!!

    Hope you have a great day!!!


  5. I need to try your method! I haven't even put a bra on today and its 3:30.

  6. I have found the same thing to be true, and especially working from home I need all the extra motivation to get out of PJs that I can get. :)

    You look great in all of these. :) My favorite is probably the dress and boots in the first pic. And I get a lot of my wardrobe at Target as well.

  7. Target rocks!!! No shame there! :) Love all your outfits, especially that first one!

  8. I agree with getting "ready." Although my clothes aren't nearly as cute as yours. Most days involve a pair of leggings and some sort of maternity tunic or layered tanks and a hoodie. Def not picture worthy. Maybe after this baby I'll find inspiration to develop a wardrobe worthy of a 30 something mom of 3 since that will be my M.O. for the next decade.

  9. Link up with The Pleated Poppy ! :)


So, how are you doing?