
These People

Last week was nuts.

Not like, Losing My Mind Nuts but more like, Did That Week Really Happen Nuts.  It seemed like every day was filled to the brim with things that had to get done and deadlines that were non-negotiable.

And y'all, three has not been kind to Gabe.  Or more like, to me.  The kid is grumpy and a little bit beyond needy.  Which isn't the best combo when one has three months of accounting and end of year statements that have to go out.

In retrospect I should have cleared our schedule a bit.  Called in a sitter.  Practiced saying no.

But we survived.

And we were rewarded.

With three glorious days at the beach.  Just the four of us, which we've never done.  Limited cell phones, zero computers, and uber amounts of giggles.

It was a perfect escape.

Now I'm going to assault you with an absurd amount of pictures. I love these people and every shot is easily my favorite.

Happy Wednesday Everyone.


  1. Great pictures! It looks like you had a wonderful time!

  2. These pictures are so great! Hard to choose a favorite, but if I had to it would be Gabes little bottom in the bucket! And the two of them both looking out at the ocean, oh, and the one of all of you together....and...see? Impossible to pick a fav...they're all great! Looks like a great time!

  3. Where did you get your dress?? its beautiful!

  4. Love the beach! That kind of stealing away is good for your mind and body. As always, your pictures are lovely.


So, how are you doing?