
Roam School - Imagine It

My friend Kelsey is an awesome, homeschooling mom and happens to live just up the street from us.

Last month we had a total "DUH!" moment and decided to line our themes up.  So this month both of our families are studying clouds.  We have a fun coop type day planned for next week and this week we loaded up the older kids and headed to Imagine It Children's Museum to check out the Weather Exhibit.

I'm not a huge fan of Imagine It.  It has the potential to be rather Chuck E Cheese-ish.  And by that I mean it's way too easy to lose your kids and chaos is pretty much the norm. We've been a few times and each time we leave I am totally exhausted.

But I am a huge fan of getting out of the house with friends for field trips.  So I got a double shot in my espresso and hit the road with Kelsey.

Just the oldest this time.  
Sorry Gabe, Mama can't handle both of you at this place.

The Magic Schoolbus Kicks Up A Storm exhibit was pretty neat.  

And the kids had an excellent time.  Please enjoy my mass collection of pictures featuring the back of Josie's head.  Girlfriend was too busy for photo ops.

And then I went home and took a nap.

* I found this great field trip log over at The Unlikely Homeschooler.  I printed out a ton so that we can keep a record of our trips.  Get yours here.


  1. This looks like so much fun!!! I love it that you are homeschooling and doing trips like this is such a great balance, it seems! You're the best! I love the dancing and the running! FUN!

  2. I now have to plan a trip to Imagine It as we will be learning about the water cycle next wee so this weather exhibit will be a good fit for our week. Thanks

    Also, I love the field trip log sheet. I will definitely be printing that one out as well.

    Great helpful post. Thanks!!!!


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