
Gabe's Plane Party

My sweet little boy turned three yesterday.

It's big stuff.  And I promise I'll only say this once, but I can't believe he is three.

We celebrated on Saturday with his first ever, real birthday party.  

Gabe loves planes, so we went with a paper airplane theme and it turned out so incredibly cute.  And cheap.  We bought paper for the planes, cupcakes, and some drinks and called it a day.  Andrew had to invest a good part of his day off to origami, but it was totally worth it.

Cutest little man party ever.

Gabe was so insanely adorable opening his gifts.

Every card, every new trinket got his token excited face (lips pulled in, eyes the size of saucers).  Seriously.  I've never seen a tiny man child so happy to open a card.  He is a precious dude.

Then came the moment he'd been waiting for.

Gabe has been practicing singing Happy Birthday all week.  He didn't get that we were supposed to sing to him and he belted it out right along with us.

Again, I could eat him.

It was such a fun afternoon celebrating Gabe.  

Surrounded by his few good buddies and the families that have watched him grow.  I always say that Gabe is everybody's baby.  All of our friends love him like one of their own.  And I'm happy to get to share him.  

This past year I've watched him become this super precious boy.  

His tender heart and hilarious personality have really started to show.  It's hard to hang out around Gabe and not be smiling.  He is good for me.  He reminds me to not take myself so seriously, to laugh, to get down on the floor and set up a million farm animals just for the heck of it.  

I stare at him a lot.  Which I was always told is a rude thing to do, but I just find it hard to believe that he is real.  And really mine.

I'm a lucky lady.

Happy Birthday Little Gabey Baby.  
I think three is going to be a good year for you.


    AMY K.

  2. Happiest Birthday to Gabey Baby!!! I want to say it once too...I can't believe he's Three! He is so precious and sweet! Hear him sing happy birthday is about the cutest thing EVER! He is a treasure indeed! It will be a good year ahead for little Gabe!

  3. Happiest birthday to your sweet boy. It has been fun to watch him grow along with you!


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