

Last week I couldn't get enough Jingle Bell Rock.

This week, it's just plain annoying and all these Christmas decorations that were so magical on December 24th are looking a lot like clutter.

I'm tired of finding rouge pieces of wrapping paper stuck to my socks and, for the love of all that is holy, can I quit watering this oversized house plant in our living room?!?!

Yup, the magic has ended.

Ready to be packed in boxes to rest up for next year's big debut.

And I'm more then ready.

I love, love, love the twinkle of Christmas but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the fresh start that the New Year brings.

Now if I could only figure out how to get this dang glitter polish off my nails I'd be totally ready for fresh year.

We ended 2012 with a mass germ invasion.

Gabe was hit the worst, followed closely by Andrew.  Although part of me thinks that the Pope Men just aren't quite as resilient as the Pope Ladies are.

Gabe pretty much missed Christmas.  He was sick-sick.  Lethargic, dazed, and didn't eat for 3 days which is way out of character.

I ended up taking him in on Wednesday and turns out he just has a bad cold and a little bit of an ear infection.  We got him a round of antibiotics and he was perking up by that night.

Which was good because I had a little weekend getaway up my sleeve.

I'll give you a hint, I was definitely not in a tropical paradise.

But there was fresh snow.

I'm off to put the last box of Christmas in the attic.  

Hope you are all having a wonderful start to this fresh, new year.


  1. Sorry the little guy was so sick! We lucked out. Brynne had the real live flu (positive test and all) the week before Christmas and stopped running a fever the night of December 23rd. She was a little slow, but did get to enjoy Christmas which I was so happy about.

  2. Having you here was seriously the best way to end 2012. xoxoxoxox


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