
The Funk

We hardly ever get sick around here, but when we do it's guaranteed to be at the least convenient time possible.

Like the Friday afternoon before a 4 day holiday weekend.

I could smell the sickness on Gabe when we woke up from his nap on Friday.  Is that weird?  It's always my first sign that either of my babies don't feel well.  

He is infected with some sort of cold that is made 11 million times worse with his heart condition.  His stuffed up nose and seal like cough have resulted in a lot of nighttime wake ups and a pretty grumpy dude during the day.

Merry Christmas to me.

I have an intense week coming up and had plans to get everything in order today.

But Gabe wanted to sleep on me and that has seriously never happened so I had no choice but to hunker down and soak it in.  

That's new to me.  A year ago, I would have set him up all snug in my bed and forged ahead with my to do list.  I'm learning that to do lists never end.  Snuggley almost three year old boys are fleeting.

So please excuse my nasty toilets and piles of laundry.  My boy needed his Mama.

We are all loading up on Vitamin C and overloading on liquids in hopes of clearing this up and keeping it away in time for tomorrow's festivities.

We've got cousins in town and two meals that I look forward to all year to gorge ourselves with.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas.  Let's all remember the things that really matter aren't things at all.


  1. Oh poor little guy! Our girl has a cold too, nothing compared to Gabe though, just the "start of day care" yuckies. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  2. Hope he's over it by now and you're starting the new year healthy!

    And yes...snuggles go away far too soon, so treasure them while you can. Phooey on a clean house.


So, how are you doing?