
Gingerbread Party 2012

I've got another picture heavy post for you today.

This was our third year doing the Gingerbread House Decorating Party.  It's one of my favorites. 

I'm totally exhausted so here's a quick run down followed by millions of pictures. 

Amber came over last Friday to help me manage the Bopsy Twins and make the houses.  We hot glued them again this year and, bonus, added trees to each house.  There was enough candy leftover last year that we just needed frosting.  I made cupcakes and a big pot of hot cocoa, set out the houses, and let the kids have at it.  

We had perfect weather so we moved the party outside.  Yay for easy clean up.  The squirrels were extra hyper the next day.

It was super fun for everyone.


  1. Looks like loads of sugar....I mean FUN :D
    Happy Holidays!
    Amy K.

  2. I like your squirrel comment. lol I want to do this next year! Great idea to glue the houses. they never work with the frosting!

  3. Gosh, I hate that we missed it. Would you believe we have NEVER made Gingerbread houses here?

    I know, bad Mommy!

  4. I've read this post like three times since you posted it last week and finally decided to just do it. This Saturday we're doing our first gingerbread house decorating party! I'm so excited! Thanks for sharing this! :)


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