
Botony Unit - 1

We did our Nancy Larson Botony Unit at the perfect time of year.

In Georgia, we had six weeks of awesome Fall weather.  Most days were still warm enough to really enjoy the woods without freezing, but we had enough chilly days to get the leaves to start changing colors and fall off the trees.  This unit had us looking at the trees everyday so we really noticed the color change as it was happening.  

Nature is pretty amazing.

Our house is surrounded by big, old trees.

Andrew's grandparent's built their little farm house over 60 years ago and the trees that grew up around it are seriously huge.  They have roots that protrude out of the ground and run for a good distance from each tree.  I've always thought these huge trees were so majestical.  And they were perfect for this unit!

Nancy Larson's Botony Unit came with everything we needed to learn all the parts of a tree, what the trees do, and how trees change throughout the seasons.  I love that it went into more detail about the why part then most early science programs.  This unit required very little planning on my part.  I just glanced over the manual the day before our lessons to see if it was an inside or an outside lesson and we were good to go.  

Our tree guide came on a lot of walks with us!

One of the huge trees at the Farm House


I hope our trees survive all this extra attention!

nature walk, leaf collecting, observing bark, tracking tree roots, sorting leaves by shape, 
labeling tree parts, leaf rubbings

We are taking a break for December and will jump back into this unit in January with a study on how trees change with the seasons.

We are loving Nancy Larson Science!


  1. This looks wonderful! I love (love!!) learning about nature. We've also had gorgeous weather lately, and I so wish it could last forever!!

  2. Well, guess I learned something today. I thought Botony had something to do with boats. And I saw no boats in your post. Interesting.


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