
Traveling Solo

In 12 hours, I'm flying home to Minnesota solo.

I should be packing and locating my parka, but instead I'm sitting here thinking about how easy it will be to maneuver the airport without worrying about losing any curly heads.

I'm having a weird mix of emotions ranging from ecstaticly excited for a weekend alone with my Mama (we can actually finish a conversation without babies demanding she give them her attention!) and super nervous that the kids will cry the whole weekend.  I've written Andrew enough notecards to assemble a small novel on how to care for his own children.

I'm sure he doesn't find that at all annoying.

Turns out I have slight (e.i. extreme) control issues when it comes to the kids.

In reality, I know they are about to have the most fun weekend ever.  2 days spoiled rotten by Nana, 2 days with their best little buddy, and nights that are sure to include mass amounts of sugar and trips to Atlanta with their Dad.

And my weekend?  Well, it's going to be the best.

If I can get over missing the kids and Andrew and adjust to having zero responsibility, I'm going to soak up late nights playing cards with the Rouillard Ladies and late morning coffee with my Mama.

I think I've neglected to tell you all about the newest Miracle Baby in the family.

My brother and Nora are expecting the happiest surprise ever in January.

If you're new around here, my brother had a seizure a year ago that resulted in us finding out he had a brain tumor.  Last week we marked one year since his emergency brain surgery.  It's been a year of chemo and radiation but more then that, it's been a year where we all learned how to really live and love each other.

And now there's a baby coming!

There's a shower on Sunday to celebrate.  They aren't finding out the if the baby is a boy or a girl and they aren't sharing any possible names which is a hard pill to swallow for Type A Me.  I'll be donning my new blue dress since I'm pretty sure it's a boy brewing in there.

I suppose I had better go pack.

I'll leave you with a few shots of the kids that my friend Kelsey took.  It's a good thing Nora is bringing a new baby into the group since, by the looks of it, mine are officially little people now.

Man, I'm going to miss them.



  2. Have so much fun!!! Love those pictures. You did great with their clothes.

  3. They may possibly be two of the most adorable children ever!!!


So, how are you doing?