
Minnesota Nice

I'm back in Georgia after my kid free weekend in Minnesota (thank you Minnesota for 55 degrees in November).

No kids meant no bedtime, no early wake ups, and an entire weekend pretending I was back in high school with no responsibility.  I had a sleepover at my brothers, went shopping with my mom, and played cards into the wee hours of the morning.  Then I sat on an airplane for two and half hours and didn't have to squeeze into the tiny toilet one single time.

Minnesota gave me a taste of the seasons too.  75 on Saturday then down to 30 on Saturday.  We even got a good dusting of snow!

(this was about the time I decided I'm OK living in Georgia)

It was a wonderful weekend.  My heart is full of Minnesota Nice and big family hugs.

But being back home snuggled up with these two curly tops?

Nothing beats that.


  1. Nicole,

    It looks like you had a great time w/your family while in Minnesota. I think I would also take Georgia weather over the cold and snow in MN even though I would love a few days of snow right now.

    Coming back to your husband and children, I'm sure was a joy. Aren't the responsibilties in life wonderful?

  2. So glad I found your blog through embrace the camera! I spent over an hour reading your adoption posts! So much info! We have debated adopting through dhs and the more info I can get the better. My husband is from MN, I am so in love with it! I hate leaving every time.


So, how are you doing?