

Gabe's cardiologist doubled his meds last week.

It's a given as he grows, but it's a big change for his little body.  He seems to be adjusting well, but we've had a few days where the poor kid just feels puny.

He rarely sits still so pictures like these are rare.  On days he can't get revved up we spend the day snuggling on the couch or watching Elmo.  

It makes me sad.

I'm so glad these days are few and far between.  

12 hours later he was tearing through the house and helping himself to a jar of apple sauce out of the fridge.

Welcome back Gabe. 


  1. Thank God for lives like Gabe's and for families like yours! I know you didn't adopt Gabe to be a role model but wow! It's so great He has set you on this path and has given your family the chance to show off how awesome it is to adopt imperfect babies. More people should...they're missing out for sure! Look how sweet that little apple-sauce lovin' boy is! We're praying for you, Gabe!

  2. Oh and by imperfect...I meant babies who aren't 100% healthy....seems like Gabe is perfectly sweet and silly and and adorable to me! :)

  3. Aw, poor little guy :( You can see he doesn't feel all that great--but he is still super adorable with his sad little face. I am glad he felt better after a rest!

  4. It makes me sad when he's not feeling good...but sounds like he bounces right back from times like this. I thank God for him in all of our lives every single day! The blessings and the lessons learned are immense! And you and Andrew are the best parents and Josie the best big sister! He is a beautiful boy..inside and out!!! I'm stocking up on applesauce for his next visit!


So, how are you doing?