

Two days ago I was sweating in a t shirt and jeans.

Yesterday, the winds rolled in and dropped our balmy 78 degree Fall down to a chilly 55.  My "it's so cold here" texts to my mom made her laugh, but by golly, that wind was wicked.

I wanted nothing more then to put on my fuzzy socks and spend the cold, grey day snuggled up in my bed, but our countdown chain told Josie it was Trunk or Treat night at church.  

Dang those countdown chains.

Trunk or Treat is new to me.  

When I grew up, trick or treating was reserved for, ah, Halloween.  Down South it seems like there is a good week of trick or treating.  

Trunk or Treat is pretty neat.  Rows of cars, all decorated, hand out candy.  We got there early and were through the whole line and headed for the car with our loot within 20 minutes.

Josie ran off with her friends and Gabe was totally confused about the whole deal.  

"Why am I dressed like a dog and why are these people giving me food?"

He caught on to the candy deal pretty quick and taste tested every candy.

It was cold, but it was fun.  We are looking forward to going back out on Wednesday for what will hopefully be a warmer night.


  1. Cutest little puppy and cat ever!!! Love Josie's cold red nose!

  2. They are so adorable! Our Trunk or Treat was cancelled because of Sandy, boo.

  3. How cute!! Our church doesn't have a trunk or treat (Boo!), but I know that several in our area do. Stopping my from ETC! :)

  4. I love the dog costume! Stopping over from ETC.


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