

Over the Summer, I got in a huge rut of comfy clothes.

Josie would wake me up around 7 and we would lounge around in PJ's until Gabe got up.  Then all the normal morning stuff would start and before I knew it, it was time to put the kids down for naps so I could work for a couple of hours.  They'd wake up, more life would happen, and wouldn't you know it's time to cook dinner and now it's pointless to get ready.

When I made up our new school schedule I knew our days were only going to get busier and if I wanted to actually wear any of the clothes in my closet, I'd need to be up, showered, dressed, and ready before Josie wakes up.

So, with tears in my eyes, I started setting my alarm for 6am.

And it has seriously changed my life.

Which might be a little too dramatic for describing the fact that I get dressed now, but I'm going with it.

Our days run much more smoothly and I swear I get more done before noon then I ever have before.

So here we go.  Here are some outfits I've come up with at 6am.

t shirt - target; jeans - gap; vest - banana republic
seriously in need of a trip to the salon

grey tank - target; blue tank - gap; black skinnies - franchescas; necklace - jc pennys

tanks & skirt - target

adoption necklace - hope of my heart; kids names necklace - vintage pearl

top - gap; shorts - banana republic; necklace - target

vest & shoes - target; jeans & tank - gap; belt - macy's

the vest is actually a scarf!  Watch this video to see how to do it!

denim shirt & white tank - target; black shorts - banana republic


  1. LOVE it! and true!! I have been feeling so blah for about...one year!! When I got pregnant and then had the baby I felt like I couldn't be fashionable or attractive. I finally went to Marshalls this weekend and bought myself some clothes and today I'm going to get my hair hi-lighted as a surprise for Daniel!! :) thanks for reminding me that it's OK to take care of ourselves!!

  2. I love that you shared where everything is from! And I so know how it goes, comfy clothes all the way :) Off to learn how to make a scarf into an adorable vest....

  3. You look amazing! Getting up and ready in the morning is SO important. I'm not a mom yet, but on the days I'm not working I often won't get out of my pajamas and I end up accomplishing NOTHING because I'm so comfy and laid back. I love all of the outfits you've put together.

    <3 Daryl
    Roots, Wings & Other Things
    $100 Anthropologie Giveaway

  4. adorable outfits :) Good for you for getting up and getting ready! It's 1:30 and I'm still in my pjs :(

    Happy Wednesday!

  5. I'm totally digging the top outfit. I have a black vest that I never wear. I could do this look. Also going to try out the scarf as vest look. Very cute! Stopping by from WIWW.

  6. I love the scarf idea- thanks for sharing that!


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