
First Day - May

Your turn!

Grab the code and link up your First Day post.  Don't forget to spread the love.  We all like comments!


  1. This makes me want to plant! And I LOVE your comforter!!! AND I'm still an idiot and can't get your link button to work...I think I need a blogging for dummies intervention!

  2. We have to wait until the 15th here before anything besides the root veggies can go into the garden. Stupid New England and its late hard frosts! I want to get my garden going! My first day of May sucked, but I am proud of myself for still linking up. :)

  3. Oh it looks so nice and warm and green where you are - I want to be warm again!!!

    Love your new Meme - next month I'm going to prepare better and link up again!!!

  4. Looks like a wonderful, fun, productive, very good day!

  5. I only got about 4 strawberries from my garden this year. I think they are done. Yours looks great.


So, how are you doing?